

Is Google’s new ‘Knowledge Graph’ a new paradigm or just another re-hash of what’s already out there? Search Google for “10 largest cities in the united states” and you will likely get a substantive and authoritative list of results. The problem is that Google does not really understand your query.  Google wants to change that with their ‘Knowledge Graph’.

A recent Google acquisition, Freebase, is a community-built knowledge base packed with some 12 million entities. Combine that with Google’s own KB and those entries now total more than 200 million. Searches based on a collective knowledge base will be a complete shift in how they are accomplished now. More power and complexity with be the standard. A knowledge base is far more refined and advanced than a word index, typically found in the back of a book.

Other search engines have been doing similar searches. WolfRam Alpha http://www.wolframalpha.com/, Bing from MS http://www.bing.com/, Lexxee http://www.lexxe.com

This type of searching throws all prior website search optimization tricks out the window. No more loading pages with Keyword and Description metatags. No more duplicating links on your site to gain a more favorable Google site ranking. It’s back to the drawing board for SEO.