Skill Sets

My technology skill sets are quite varied and unique.• Computers: build, repair, upgrade

• Operating Systems: Windows 9.x, 2000, XP, Vista; Windows 7 Linux Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Debian
• Microsoft Office: 2K, 2007, 2010; all programs (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Visio)
• Open Office: all programs (Write, Calc, Base, Impress)
• Microsoft SharePoint: Created Document Library for BLM State offices that houses scanned documents for their Architectual and Engineering projects, Managed user names and passwords for over 120 Online Subscriptions in a SharePoint List, Re-created Library OPAC in a SharePoint list.
• Microsoft Access: Created database for BLM Library to track Library materials, Created database for DDT – Denver Digs Trees, a non-profit organization, Created database for CLE programs at HRO to provide list of available programs to attorneys and track circulation of said programs, Created shipment tracking database for BLM Library
• Microsoft Excel: Used Excel ‘Trim’ function to separate a list of LC Call numbers before importing into Drupal, used Excel to separate file paths from file names for import into web database
• Microsoft Outlook: Used Public folders to store emails for over 100 email subscriptions, created rules to forward to specific groups and linked to the folder(s) from the Library catalog
• Microsoft Visio: Produced a more steam-lined invoice approval process for the HRO Library and the Accounting department that they implemented in all other departments
• Content Management Systems: Drupal (Drupal is the CMS for, my son’s scout troop; created website – for experimenting with Drupal in a Library environment), Word Press (used for my Online Portfolio), Joomla (tested along with Drupal during decision phase for scout website)
• Social Media: Facebook, Linkedin, WordPress, Blogger
• Database standards and language: Familiar with Access, SQL, MySQL, relational database theory, database visualization, creation, implementation, and maintenance
• Library Standards; MARC 21/AACR2, Dublin Core, FRBR, RDA
• OCLC; ContentDM, Connexion; Client and Browser: Utilized for copy-cataloging and to extract metadata from URLs to catalog websites
• Integrated Library Systems: SIMA Camelot, EOS Intl, Sirsi/Dynix, Evergreen , Koha (installed Koha on my dual-boot XP/Ubuntu PC for test purposes)
• Web Standards: HTML/XHTML/DHTML, SQL, XML, JavaScript, CSS, RSS
• Network/Web Servers: Internet Information Server, Apache server- installation and management

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